# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Daoxiangcun's Suzhou-style series of mooncakes are really very affordable and cheap. For example, the ginkgo mooncake in the picture, a box of 5, is about $4 a box during the discount. It is very convenient to fill the stomach and make breakfast, but the ginkgo is this one. It feels a little dry to eat and needs to drink water while eating. My favorite among Su's mooncakes in Daoxiang Village is the bean paste, which I buy every year. I eat two bean pastes at a time, and I don't need to drink water at all. Compared with Cantonese-style mooncakes, the advantage of this kind of Suzhou-style mooncakes is that it is not so sweet and greasy. It is still very good to add a little festive atmosphere to yourself during the Mid-Autumn Festival. If you like Su's pastry mooncakes, you should try all the different flavors of Yami, it's really cost-effective, try which one you like the most, after all, everyone's preferences are different. See the words written on the packaging in Figure 3? Daoxiang Village's Suzhou-style mooncake making skills are listed as provincial intangible cultural heritage. And this year's Mid-Autumn Festival in 2022, Yami also sent a letter from various moon cakes. I received this letter with this content. I read it carefully. It is neat, and it is also very warm to take pictures as a background. It can be regarded as a small souvenir for the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2022.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 稻香村这个苏式系列月饼,真是月饼里非常实惠便宜的了,比如图里这个白果月饼,一盒5个,折扣时入的大概$4出头一盒,填饱肚子做早餐很方便,只是白果这款感觉吃起来有点干,需要边吃边喝水。 稻香村苏氏月饼里我最喜欢的是豆沙那款,每年都要买,一次吃两个豆沙不用喝水一点都不干。比起广式月饼来说,这种苏式月饼的好处就是不那么甜腻,中秋应个景,自己给自己增加点节日气氛,还是很不错的。 如果喜欢苏氏酥皮月饼,不防把亚米这几款各种口味都试试,确实太划算,尝尝到底自己最喜欢哪一种口味,毕竟每个人的喜好不同。 看见图3里包装上写的字了吗?稻香村苏式月饼制作技艺列为省级非物质文化遗产。 而且今年2022年的中秋,亚米各种月饼还送一封信,我收到这封信是这个内容,我认真读完了,内容主要是关怀,比较煽情,亚米有心了,信笺和字迹好看工整,拍照做背景也很温馨,算是2022年中秋的一个小纪念品吧。