# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # The egg yolk crisp is delicious as always, the matcha flavored egg yolk crisp, praise! A box of 6, individually packaged, with distinct layers, the first cake you want to eat when you are hungry is egg yolk crisp, because it is delicious and satisfying. You can eat moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and you can also eat egg yolk crisps. The moon is full in the sky and salted egg yolks are on the ground.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 蛋黄酥一如既往的好吃,抹茶口味蛋黄酥,好评! 一盒6个,独立包装,层次分明,饿的时候第一个想吃的糕点就是蛋黄酥,因为好吃又抵饿。 中秋吃月饼,也可以吃蛋黄酥哦,天上圆月亮,地上咸蛋黄。