# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Maybe it’s because of my childhood memories. I especially like to eat this kind of Su-style bean paste mooncake. It’s not only cheap, but also not too sweet. I won’t feel guilty if I eat two pieces at a time. The bean paste filling is full. The taste of bean paste is also very delicious, not too sweet. The taste of this kind of bean paste is different from Wang Zhi and red bean paste fillings. I prefer the bean paste in this pastry mooncake. It is neither thin nor soft, and the portion is solid. It would be better if the meringue didn't fall off so easily. Originally, I wanted to buy some more Su-style bean paste mooncakes from Daoxiang Village, but unfortunately I found out that this year, they are no longer available. They are so popular with everyone. I see that there are several other flavors of Su-style mooncakes in Yami. It seems that bean paste is for everyone. What I like more, I will have to wait for the Mid-Autumn Festival next year if I want to eat it, and I will repurchase a lot next year. A box of 5 is so cheap it's really worth it! In addition to Daoxiangcun, the other box is Yuantong Liuxin mooncakes in the early Yuan Dynasty. I have never eaten Liuxin mooncakes, but if I feel that Meixin is too expensive, I choose this cheap substitute for Yuantong Xiao. It is said that it is very similar to Meixin, but The custard Liuxin part is a little thinner. Friends who want to try Liuxin mooncakes can also start from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, fall in love with them and then try Meixin Liuxin mooncakes. These mooncakes are available in Yami.
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 也许是因为小时候的回忆吧,我就特别喜欢吃这种苏式豆沙月饼,不仅便宜,而且也没有很甜腻,一次吃两块也不会有很大罪恶感,豆沙馅儿满满的,豆沙口感也特别好吃,不算甜,这种豆沙口感和王致和红豆沙馅儿不一样,我更喜欢这种酥皮月饼里的豆沙,不稀不软,份量扎实。如果酥皮不是那么容易掉渣就更好了。本来还想再入一点这种稻香村的苏式豆沙月饼,可惜发现今年已经没有了,这么受大家欢迎,我看其他几个口味的苏式月饼亚米还有,看来还得豆沙这个是大家更喜欢的,想吃还得等明年中秋了,明年我还要回购很多。一盒5个这么便宜真的太值了! 除了稻香村,另外那盒是元初元童流心月饼,从没吃过流心月饼,但又觉得美心太贵的话,我就选了这个元童小的便宜替代,据说和美心挺相似,只是奶黄流心部分稍微稀一点,想要尝试流心月饼的朋友也可以先从元初入手,爱上了再尝试美心流心月饼,这些月饼亚米都有。 此外还要夸奖一下亚米的月饼包裹,每一盒稻香村月饼和元初元童月饼都是分别用气泡膜包裹着如图所示,防止运输途中的摔打挤压,很用心了,保护得很好! 祝大家2022年中秋快乐!