# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # Daoxiangcun Su-style rose mooncakes. This is the fourth rose mooncake of the Daoxiangcun Su-style series. When I saw the word rose, I thought it was the same filling as the flower cake, rose flower cake, because I like to eat flower cake, so I bought it without hesitation. Daoxiang Village. But I misunderstood, this rose mooncake is not the kind of Yunnan flower cake I thought, but the stuffing like Beijing-style rose mooncake. It is clearly visible that there are some blue silk and red silk after cutting. This is a typical Beijing-style filling. It tastes a bit like Wuren, but I feel a little better than Wuren. The puff pastry is also the same as the other flavors. When you eat it, you must remember to eat it on the plate, otherwise it will be difficult to clean up when it falls on the ground. See I have prepared two plates and then the puff pastry. The props for the shoot 😄, one person and one plate. This one is still in stock now, it will be Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow, you can stock up a little, and eat it for breakfast after Mid-Autumn Festival, individually packaged, 5 pieces in a box, easy to carry, eat one and drink some water, you are almost half full! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!
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# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 稻香村苏式玫瑰月饼。这是稻香村苏式系列之四的玫瑰月饼,买的时候看见玫瑰二字,我就以为是和鲜花饼一样的馅儿,玫瑰花鲜花饼,因为我喜欢吃鲜花饼,就好不犹豫买了这款稻香村。 但是我误会了,这个玫瑰月饼并不是我以为的那类云南鲜花饼,而是像京式玫瑰月饼那种馅儿,清晰可见切开以后有些青丝红丝,这就是典型的京式馅儿,味道有点像五仁,但是我感觉比五仁好一点。 酥皮也是和其他几个口味一样的酥,吃的时候一定要记得接着盘子吃,不然掉地上就不好清理了,看我准备了两个盘子接着酥皮,万无一失了吧,哈哈其实只是摆拍的道具啦😄,一人一个盘子。 这个现在还有货,明天就中秋了,可以屯一点,中秋以后当早餐吃,独立包装,一盒5个,方便携带,吃一个再喝些水,就差不多半饱啦! 祝大家中秋快乐!