【Yami Kitchen】The booming Mid-Autumn Festival🎑

Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, make a delicious meal and treat yourself with a treat😬 Good horses with good saddles, good dishes with good sauces, three entry-level side dishes are launched today, hey enough~~~~~

🌟🌟Mandarin fish🌟🌟

Ingredients: soft tofu, enoki mushroom, spring onion, Lee Kum Kee steamed fish and soy sauce

1⃣️ Cut the tender tofu into one centimeter-thick squares and place them on a plate ( option: put some enoki mushrooms for fresher).

2⃣️ Pour steamed soy sauce (< span class="s3">option: Sprinkle with wolfberry garnish), steam for eight minutes on high heat (my little onemini span>The power of the electric steamer is not good, it takes 15minutes).

3⃣️ This step is critical⚠️⚠️ Heat the oil in a small pot and turn it off when it feels like smoking. Sprinkle the spring onion on the steamed tofu, then pour the hot oil (slowly pour, don't splash yourself😂).

Success‼ ️soft tofu is smooth and tender than steamed mandarin fish and has zero failure rate

🌟🌟Homemade Mapo Tofu🌟🌟 p>

Ingredients: soft tofu, minced meat, spring onion, ginger, Lee Kum Kee Mapo tofu, Lee Kum Kee oyster sauce, pepper oil

1⃣️ Put the pepper oil in a hot pot, wait for the oil to get hot Add ginger slices and minced meat and stir-fry until broken, add a spoonful of cooking wine to remove the fishy smell.

2⃣️ Add Lee Kum Kee Mapo tofu paste and continue to stir fry.

3⃣️ After frying the red oil, add a teaspoon of Lee Kum Kee oyster sauce Fresh (this step can be ignored, the mapo tofu sauce is just right, but I prefer oyster sauce😍)

4⃣️ Add half a bowl of water to boil and add tofu.

5⃣️ The fire collects juice🔥🔥🔥Finally sprinkle chopped green onion and serve.

Done‼ ️

Bibimbap artifact is here, who will compete with each other👽👽👽

🌟🌟Chicken Noodle Soup🌟🌟

The special thief of this picture praised Lee Kum Kee's seasoned chicken sauce, which is a cooking artifact💐💐To make a spoonful of noodle soup, my mother no longer has to worry about the tasteless food I make👻

Ingredients: One pack of rice flour >Mao9⃣️one pack), Lee Kum Kee Chicken Sauce, Minced Garlic, Chili Sauce, Green Vegetables, option(meat, pickles)

1⃣️ Put rice noodles in boiling water, then add other seasoning packets and Lee Kum Kee seasoning Chicken gravy.

2⃣️ Turn off the heat after three minutes, add green vegetables and a spoonful of chili sauce< /span>

Done‼ ️(simple to outrageous hahahaha)

Simple but appetizing🤤🤤


Although I have been emphasizing Lee Kum Kee this time,I feel like I am writing a promotional article span>....But their various sauces are really prepared at home, and they are a good partner for cooking👍Even mothers and adults in the family love their steamed fish with soy sauce and braised sauce.

Finally, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Gong Xi Fa Cai~~~~~

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中秋将至,做顿好吃哒犒劳(坑)下自己吧😬 好马配好鞍,好菜配好酱,今天推出三款入门级小菜,嘿喂够~~~~



1⃣️ 把嫩豆腐切一厘米厚度方片摆在盘子上(option:放点金针菇更鲜)。

2⃣️ 在盘上浇蒸鱼豉油(option:撒枸杞点缀),大火蒸八分钟(我家的小小mini电蒸锅火力不行,须15分钟)。

3⃣️ 这步很关键⚠️⚠️ 用小锅烧热油,感觉快要冒烟的时候赶紧关掉。把葱花洒在蒸好的豆腐上,然后浇热油(慢点浇,别溅到自己😂)。




1⃣️ 中上火热锅放入花椒油,等油温渐热放入姜片和肉末翻炒至断生,再加一勺料酒去腥。

2⃣️ 放入李锦记麻婆豆腐酱,继续翻炒。

3⃣️ 炒出红油后,再加一小勺李锦记蚝油调鲜(这步可忽略,麻婆豆腐的酱调的正好,只是我偏爱蚝油😍

4⃣️ 加半碗水煮开放入豆腐。

5⃣️ 大火收汁🔥🔥🔥最后撒葱花装盘。






1⃣️ 沸水放入米粉,再依次加入其他调料包和李锦记调味鸡汁。

2⃣️ 三分钟后关火,加入青菜和一勺辣椒酱




