# 2022亚米月饼大赏 # The Homecoming series moon cakes are really good quality and cheap, and they are very good choices for gifts or personal use. The gift box is booming, and it also comes with a red tote bag to go home. It's very beautiful, and it's a great gift! This year I bought the Homecoming series of double yellow chestnut puree mooncakes. There are 4 independent boxes in a box. It looks high-end and elegant. There is also a small card in the box. The contents of the front and back of the card are quite good. On the other side of the letter from the family, it was written how long it had been since I asked my family how I was doing. In addition to the double yellow chestnut puree, the Homecoming series mooncakes also have several other flavors, and the Homecoming series will be repurchased next time on the Mid-Autumn Festival. The embossing of the moon cake is clearly visible. The moon cake is very large and heavy. The salted egg yolk is seen flowing out of oil the moment it is cut. The golden salted egg yolk is round and plump. There are two salted egg yolks in each moon cake. , one of them is very rich in oil, the other is a little less oily but very sandy, and the taste is great. The chestnut puree is also soft and dense, soft and glutinous and delicious. Cut into small pieces and share with everyone. Mooncakes are suitable for small bites to taste the flavor. Yami has various brands of Cantonese-style salted egg yolk mooncakes every Mid-Autumn Festival. According to my observation, the Homecoming series mooncakes are very affordable, even the original price is not too expensive. Occasional discounts are more cost-effective. Close your eyes, don't worry. Going home mooncakes as a gift also has a big advantage, that is, the two words "go home" are eye-catching. These two words are already full of homesickness and missing emotions. The Mid-Autumn Festival is accompanied by going home mooncakes, and the atmosphere can be filled in an instant. If Put on some nice songs about the moon, and enjoy the moon at the same time, the emotional value can almost reach a state of tears. Having said that, I have sang this song softly: the moonlight in the city illuminates the dream... In addition, the word "going home" always reminds me of Sun Nan's famous song "You Come Back", come back quickly, bring back my thoughts... The theme song of the serial that I like to watch recently is this one by Sun Nan The song, you can watch it on YouTube, is a famous work by Lu Yi. Although it is not a new drama, it is a good-looking classic! You already know which show it is. I think so much from the moon cakes coming home, and I think about the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2022. A stranger in a foreign land alone, Every festive season thinks about relatives. Happy Mid-autumn Festival!
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yami_featured_image # 2022亚米月饼大赏 # 回家系列月饼,真的是物美价廉,送礼或者自用都是非常好的选择。礼盒红红火火,还附赠了一个回家的红色手提袋,非常漂亮,送礼佳品! 今年我买的回家系列双黄板栗蓉月饼,一盒里面4个独立盒子包装,看上去高端大气上档次,盒子里还有一张小卡片,卡片正反面的内容都挺不错,一面写着一封家书,另一面写着有多久没向家人问声好了。回家系列月饼除了双黄板栗蓉,还有好几种其他口味的,下次中秋节还回购回家系列。 月饼压纹清晰可见回家二字,月饼个头很大,重量也挺重,切开一瞬间就看见咸蛋黄往外流油,金黄色的咸蛋黄又圆又饱满,每个月饼里两个咸蛋黄,其中一个流油很丰富,另一个流油少一点但是非常翻沙,口感都很棒。板栗蓉也是柔软绵密,软糯可口,切成小块,和大家分享着吃,月饼适合小口品尝,才能尝到风味。 亚米每年中秋都有各种各样品牌的广式咸蛋黄月饼,据我观察,回家系列月饼算是很实惠的了,就是原价也不算贵,偶尔有个折扣就更划算啦,简直可以闭眼入,不需要纠结。 回家月饼送礼还有一大优势,那就是醒目的“回家”这两个字,这二字已经充满了思乡和思念的情感,中秋有回家月饼陪伴,氛围感瞬间就能拉满,如果再放上一点关于月亮的好听歌曲,同时赏月,情绪值几乎就能达到一个让人泪目的状态了。说到这里,我已轻轻唱起了这首歌:城里的月光把梦照亮…… 此外,回家二字还总能让我想起孙楠的那首成名曲《你快回来》,你快回来,把我的思念带回来……,最近喜欢看那部连续剧主题曲就是孙楠的这首歌,YouTube上就能看,是陆毅成名作,虽然不是新剧,但是好看啊经典!你们已经知道是哪部剧了吧。 由回家月饼联想到这么多,2022年中秋随想。 独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。 祝大家中秋节快乐!