unpacking photo The Yamibuy package I bought on the 16th did not expect to arrive so soon! The store is "Tokyo like", the logistics speed is too 🐮, direct mail from Japan 🤩 I bought some skin care products because my skin is not very good recently due to the changing seasons. Although the brand Axxzia has not been used before, I read the reviews and the ingredients are very good, so I closed my eyes and entered! After that, I will come back to the experience of using po~ I have always heard that Ryukosan is very useful, and it is good to keep a little at home when the weather is cold recently!
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开箱照 16号买的亚米商城包裹没想到这么快就到了! 店家是“东京赞”,这物流速度也太🐮了,日本直邮诶🤩 因为最近换季皮肤不太好所以就买了点护肤品,Axxzia这个牌子虽然以前没用过但看评论还有成分都非常棒,所以就闭眼入啦!之后再来po使用心得~ 龙角散我一直听说很有用,最近天气凉了家中常备一点也是好的!