# 挑战$100过一周 # Breakfast: A bottle of Taishan oat eight-treasure porridge is fragrant and soft, sweet but not greasy. It is made from longan meat, peanuts, oats, red beans and other nutrient-rich foods. It can be eaten after opening. It is a very convenient instant food. one! $1.39 per bottle Lunch: The pepper and hemp wide noodles can be eaten by boiling with water. The ingredients include a package of seasonings and a package of side dishes. The side vegetables package contains black fungus, bamboo shoots and peanuts. The noodles are tough and not easy to break, the seasoning package is fragrant, and the side dishes are also great! $4.39 per box Dinner: a Hokkaido chocolate bread, soft and delicate bread, sweet and delicious, with a touch of chocolate! $1.99 In addition, I bought a box of salad at the supermarket for $2.99 Before going to bed: Apply a layer of aloe vera gel sleeping mask, $0.5 Total cost per day: $11.26
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 早餐:一瓶泰山燕麦八宝粥,香滑软绵,甜而不腻,由桂圆肉、花生、燕麦、红豆等营养丰富的食物煲制而成,打开便可吃用,非常方便的即吃食品之一!每瓶$1.39 午餐:用水开泡就可以吃的椒麻宽面,配料包有一包装调料和一包配菜,配菜包里面有黑木耳、笋和花生。面条有韧性,不易断,调料包味道香浓,配菜也很棒!每盒$4.39 晚餐:一个北海道巧克力面包,面包松软细腻,香甜可口,有淡淡的巧克力味!$1.99 另外在超市买了一盒沙拉$2.99 睡觉前:涂上一层芦荟胶睡了眠面膜,$0.5 一天一共花费:$11.26