# 挑战$100过一周 # $15 one day challenge Breakfast a torn bread with milk. The milky flavor of the bread is very soft and super delicious $2 A green salad at noon eats some vegetables for $6 For dinner, cook a pack of Tang Daren’s noodles. This base is delicious and super fragrant. It’s good to add some side dishes and eggs for dinner. It’s very good to add a cup of kvass for the first time. It tastes strange. It's good to drink a few times. $5 Wear a steam eye mask to relieve fatigue before bed $2 Total about $15
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# 挑战$100过一周 # $15一天挑战 早餐一个手撕面包配牛奶。面包的奶香味特别足很松软超级好吃 $2 中午的时候一份蔬菜沙拉部分蔬菜摄入 $6 晚餐煮一包汤达人的面 这个的底料很好喝 超级香 自己加点配菜和鸡蛋当晚餐很不错 再配一杯格瓦斯 第一次喝味道有点奇怪。喝多几次还挺好喝的。$5 睡前带个蒸汽眼罩消除疲劳 $2 共大概$15