# 挑战$100过一周 # $15 for a day Breakfast is milk foamed oatmeal. I can eat a pack of this type of oatmeal directly. The taste of foamed milk is different, but it is also delicious. The milk must be full-fat. $2 Lunch is biscuits and beef, all the frozen ones bought in the supermarket. Just heat it up in the microwave and air fryer, and add diced green peppers to the beef yourself $4 Dinner is Laotan Sauerkraut Beef Noodles. I really like this hot and sour soup. It's so warm in winter. $2 About $8 a day
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# 挑战$100过一周 # $15过一天 早餐是牛奶泡麦片 这种麦片我直接吃就能吃完一包 泡牛奶口感不一样 但是也是很好吃 牛奶一定要全脂的那种 $2 午餐是烧饼夹牛肉 都是超市里买的冷冻的那种。直接微波炉和空气炸锅加热一下就好了 自己在牛肉里加了一下青椒丁 $4 晚餐是老坛酸菜牛肉面 超级喜欢这种酸辣味道的汤 冬天吃好暖和 $2 一天大概$8