# 挑战$100过一周 # $15 three meals a day Eat snacks with milk for breakfast Hawthorn Guokui from Daoxiang Village is my favorite Daoxiang Village dim sum. The YYDS of Sanhe Beijing Daoxiang Village and the Suzhou Daoxiang Village can only be said to be pretty good. Anything is better than nothing! $3 Lunch is mixed with tofu and multigrain porridge. The tofu is mixed with water and then mixed with soy sauce and oyster sauce. Spicy oil and chopped green onion keep the bean flavor of the tofu itself $4 Dinner is bean curd cake and sweet potato fries. Tofu dregs are filtered out of soy milk. Mix eggs and flour and fry it into a cake. It's delicious! Sweet Potato Fries Just Frozen and Air Fryer $3 About $10 a day
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 一日$15三餐 早餐吃小点心配牛奶 稻香村的山楂锅盔是我最喜欢的稻香村点心。三禾北京稻香村的YYDS 苏州稻香村的只能说还不错 有比没有好!$3 午餐是拌豆腐配杂粮粥 豆腐是拿水过一下 然后拌生抽蚝油 油泼辣子 葱花 保持豆腐本身的豆香味 $4 晚餐是豆腐渣饼加红薯薯条。豆腐渣是打豆浆过滤出来的。拿鸡蛋和面粉拌一下然后煎成饼 很好吃!红薯薯条就冷冻的然后空气炸锅一下就好 $3 一天大概$10