# 挑战$100过一周 # Tuesday 1st Menu + Daily Makeup Breakfast: Continue to make homemade brown sugar glutinous rice cakes, this time in a thicker style. Ingredients: Kangya Cool Ice Powder, Soft and Refreshing, 40g per bag, $0.99 Xundianji Original Brown Sugar, 220g $5.99, used 1/5 bottle, $5.99 ÷ 5 = $1.19; Lunch: Continue to make homemade New Orleans grilled wings (air fryer version), ingredients: Chicken wings, a whole box of $5.26, half a box of $5.26 ÷ 2 = $2.63; Little Bear drove to New Orleans for the marinade of grilled wings. This time, he chose slightly spicy, spicy but not numb, $0.84, and used 1/3 of the bag, $0.84 ÷ 3 = $0.28; TaoTronics air fryer, $119.99, about a hundred times a year, $119.99 ÷ 100 = $1.19 Dinner: Homemade Deluxe Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup Aftertaste Zan Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup, $6.09 Taiwan KIMBO Jinbao Ham Luncheon Meat Sliced, 340g $3.99, used a fifth box, $3.99 ÷ 5 = $0.79 Beauty: Video conferences all day, lipstick on for a look Japan CANMAKE high moisturizing lip balm, #19 ruby cherry grass color, low-key not gorgeous, can be used about 100 times, $8.95 ÷ 100 = $0.08 Total: $13.24
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 周二一日菜单+每日美妆 早餐:继续自制红糖糍粑,这次是比较浓稠的风格,用料: 康雅酷冰粉粉,滑嫩爽口,一袋40g,$0.99 寻滇集原味红糖,220g $5.99,用了1/5瓶,$5.99 ÷ 5 = $1.19; 午餐:继续自制新奥尔良烤翅(空气炸锅版),用料: 鸡翅,一整盒 $5.26,用了半盒 $5.26 ÷ 2 = $2.63; 小熊驾到新奥尔良烤翅腌料,这次选择微辣味,辣而不麻,$0.84,用了1/3袋,$0.84 ÷ 3 = $0.28; TaoTronics空气炸锅,$119.99,一年大约用上一百次,$119.99 ÷ 100 = $1.19 晚餐:自制豪华版鸭血粉丝汤 回味赞鸭血粉丝汤,$6.09 台湾KIMBO金宝火腿午餐肉切成薄片,340g $3.99,用了五分之一盒,$3.99 ÷ 5 = $0.79 美妆:一整天都在开视频会议,涂了口红提气色 日本CANMAKE高保湿润唇膏,#19 红宝石樱花草色,低调不艳丽,大概能用100次, $8.95 ÷ 100 = $0.08 总计:$13.24