# 挑战$100过一周 # Try it today, can you s0d in the challenge? The noodle soup made by myself in the morning is purely handmade with a bit of beef, spinach, carrots and potatoes. They are all cheap and easy to buy. The total cost is one yuan. At noon, dry pot prawns and prawns were bought at a discount. It cost 4 yuan and 1/5 of the hot pot base (1 yuan) and other side dishes The total cost is about eight bucks At night, the Cuihong barbecue seasoning used for kebabs is spicy. You can also add a little dried chili (crushed by the juicer) and bake the steamed buns (the steamed buns made by yourself). dollars It adds up to just under 15 to pass the level
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 今天试试 顿顿大餐是不是也能挑战成功 早上自己做的面片汤 纯手工 里面有一点牛肉 菠菜 胡萝卜 土豆 都是便宜好买的菜 总成本一块钱 中午吃干锅大虾 虾是打折买的 花了四块钱 加了五分之一 六婆火锅底料(一块钱)其他配菜 家里有啥就放啥喽 土豆炸一下 豆角炸一下 花生碎放一点 总成本 大概八块钱 晚上吃 烤羊肉串 用的 翠宏烧烤调料 辣味还可以 自己又加了一点 干辣椒(榨汁机打碎的) 还烤了馒头片(自己做的馒头)美美的,我吃掉成本大概 五块钱 加起来 刚刚好低于15 过关啦