# 挑战$100过一周 # A day in the life of a pasta star Made some pasta, pancakes, steamed buns, etc. on the weekend Don't worry about the main dishes you receive In the morning, eat steamed buns➕ hand-shredded spicy beef jerky (the beef jerky made by yourself, buy the cheapest beef in the supermarket, stew it, cool it thoroughly, tear it, add Liupo, dip it in water, mix well, add a little sesame to enhance the flavor) The cost is about 4 yuan The beef in the vermicelli eaten at noon is also torn off from the steamed beef. It is very tender. It is delicious with a little seasonal vegetables. The cost is about five yuan. We bake steamed buns in the evening. Anyway, we don’t lack steamed buns. Fried steamed buns are also delicious, but if you bake them, it seems to be healthier and the cost is lower. A total of no more than 15 is too easy
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 面食星人的一天 周末做了一些面食 饼子 馒头 包子啥的 接来了的主食不愁啦 早上 吃 馒头➕手撕麻辣牛肉干(自己做的牛肉干 买超市最便宜的牛肉 清炖 凉透 撕一下 加六婆蘸水辣拌匀 加一点 芝麻增香)成本大概四块钱 中午吃的粉丝 里面的牛肉也是 清蒸牛肉上面撕下来的 很嫩 加一点时令蔬菜 好吃 成本大概五块钱 晚上就烤馒头片啦 反正咱不缺馒头 炸馒头片也好吃 但是烤的话 似乎健康一点 成本也低 一块钱吧 总共不超过15 太轻松啦