#挑战$100过一周 #Day1, today's food consumption is $4.71. Breakfast - Qingkou Supper Thai Spring Rolls. I used [Taiwan Baoding Top Pure Mung Bean Vermicelli 180g] bought by Yami. I actually posted this vermicelli before, it wasn't overcooked and it was chewy, so I put the last bit of it in the spring rolls. A pack is 8.99, but the amount of such a plate actually uses ⅙, which is 1.5 knives rounded up. The spring rolls are also bought by Yami [Vietnamese AO BA BA Spinach Paper Spring Roll Must-Have 400g]. 2.09 is a lot older.... let's calculate it by 1/10, which is 0.21 knives. Inside are fried zucchini and carrots, and the oil sprayed is at most 1 knife. That means this breakfast adds up to a total of $2.71. ——————————————————————————— I don't go out at the moment, skin care and makeup have nothing to do with Yami, so it doesn't count. Skip dinner during weight loss, lunch - Thai sweet and spicy meatballs. It's an up recipe from station B, but I don't know if this recipe is authentic or not. In short, it's hard to eat... Of course, it's the problem of the recipe, not Yami's pot. The sauce used fish sauce + Chaotian pepper + shallot crisp + coconut sugar + tamarind sauce. The fish sauce was bought by Yami, so I would use it for $0.25. The shallots are from the supermarket, and it is 1 knives. Coconut sugar and tamarind paste were bought locally in Yachao, because the amount was not much, and it was barely 0.5 knives. Chaotian pepper is bought at Yami [Hometown Flavor Sichuan Chaotian Pepper Dried Chili 100g]. It is not enough to use 1/10, and it is 0.24 knives if it is used more. That means dinner is 2 knives in total.
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# 挑战$100过一周 # Day1,今天的食物消费是4.71刀。 早餐-清口晚饭泰国春卷。用了亚米买的【台湾宝鼎 顶级纯绿豆粉丝180g】。这个粉丝我其实之前发过了,煮不烂很有嚼劲的,最后剩的一点点我就放到春卷里了。一包是8.99,但是这么一盘子的量,其实就用了⅙,四舍五入就是1.5刀。 春卷也是亚米买的【越南 AO BA BA 菠菜纸 春卷必备 400g】。2.09里面老多了....往多了算咱们按1/10算吧,也就是0.21刀。里面是煎过的西葫芦,胡萝卜,算上喷的油也顶多是1刀。也就是说这个早餐加起来一共是2.71刀。 —————————————————————————— 我目前不出门,护肤美妆和亚米无关,也就不算了。减肥中不吃晚餐,午饭-泰式甜辣肉丸子。是b站一个up的方子,不过这个方子,我也不知道正不正宗吧,总之是很难吃...当然难吃是方子的问题,不是亚米的锅。酱汁用了鱼露+朝天椒+红葱酥+椰子糖+罗望子酱。 鱼露是亚米买的,用那么一丢丢我就按照0.25刀算吧。红葱头是超市的,算1刀。椰子糖和罗望子酱是在local亚超买的,因为用量都不多,也勉强算0.5刀。朝天椒是在亚米买的【家乡味 四川朝天椒辣椒干 100g】。用了1/10都不到,往多了算0.24刀。也就是说晚餐一共是2刀。