# 挑战$100过一周 # I got up early to eat noodles. Jiangxi rice noodles really made me realize the freedom of noodles. Just add a little green vegetables, whatever you want, and add a little chicken left over from last night. It's delicious. The cost is less than two yuan. I really want to blow up my mapo tofu at noon A little red chili pepper, old soy sauce, water tofu and cook it. Finally, garnish with shallots and a little pepper noodle shop. The taste is not covered. The cost is three dollars (tofu is close to two dollars) Stew the beef ribs in the evening, then take them out, sprinkle with Cuihong, dip them in spicy water, and bake them in the oven for a while. No more than 15 challenges in total
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# 挑战$100过一周 # 早起吃粉 江西米粉真的让我实现了嗦粉自由 随便加一点青菜 有啥放啥 加一点昨晚剩下的鸡肉 就很有味道啦 成本两元不到 中午吃我的 麻婆豆腐 真的要吹爆这个 利乐装老豆腐 做麻婆豆腐太好吃了 先把豆腐切块之后煮一下 去除豆腥味 然后炒香 郫县豆瓣(娟城牌)加一点红辣椒 花椒 老抽 水 下豆腐进去煮就好啦 最后点缀小葱 再来一点胡椒面 店里的味道 不是盖的。成本三块钱(豆腐接近两块钱) 晚上清炖 牛肋骨 然后捞出来 撒上翠宏蘸水辣 稍微烤箱烤一下 滋滋冒油 开吃 成本五块钱(主要是牛肋骨贵) 总共不超过15 挑战成功