# AddictiveAsianSnack # # 2022亚米开学季 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation056a6d3 0ce8b4cb18c3b73cb8cc346ff # # Summerskincare # # 方家铺子 # 方家铺子 Dried scallop and shrimp porridge, too fresh~ The wife is really satisfied, there are too many ingredients in it, scallops, shrimps and various kinds of rice, the porridge tastes very good. I don't like to add any additives. The original fragrance of the rice is very delicious. The natural seafood porridge has a strong seafood flavor. There is no need to add other ingredients, and it has a fresh and fragrant taste. The scallops inside are very fragrant, with a hint of sweetness, as well as carrots and cabbage. Wash it first and steam it in the rice cooker. It will be ready in less than half an hour. It is really fresh.
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# AddictiveAsianSnack # # 2022亚米开学季 # # 我的囤货清单 # # Summerskincare # # 方家铺子 # 方家铺子干贝虾仁粥料,太鲜了~ 真的太太太满足了,里面的材料也太多了吧,干贝、虾仁还有多种米,熬成粥味道特别好。 我不喜欢加任何添加,米原本的香味就很美味,天然的海鲜粥,味道有浓郁的海鲜味,不用添加其他的辅料,直接就有一种鲜香的味道。里面的干贝很香,味道带一丝甘甜,还有胡萝卜和高丽菜。 先洗一遍放在电饭煲里面蒸,煮不到半个小时就好了,真的很鲜。