#为所爱 放肆嗨 ##摸着良心来种草啦 ##0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation4c567da5b da647848ab5a2c7349ccfec ## 晒出你的美丽心机 ##方家铺子# I have always heard people say that people with insufficient energy and blood are suitable for warming in autumn and winter. When the energy and blood are improved, the spirit will improve, and sleep will also improve. It happened that during this period of time it was cold and I felt weak, and my complexion was not good after staying up late, so I couldn't resist following the trend and taking this ginseng honey slice. The ginseng slices are really big. In the office, I will add some goji berries to soak in water. Honey is added in it so that the water will not be bitter. After drinking it, I feel warm. After eating it a few times, I feel that I can sleep better. Keep going, keep making up~
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# 为所爱 放肆嗨 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 晒出你的美丽心机 # # 方家铺子 # 老听别人说气血不足的人秋冬适合温补,气血好了精神就会变好,睡眠也会好起来。正好这段时间天冷了感觉自己有气无力的,再加上熬夜脸色也不好,没忍住跟风入了这个人参蜜片。 参片确实很大,在办公室我就会加点枸杞泡水喝,里面加了蜜所以泡水不会苦,喝完感觉整个人热乎乎的,吃了几次感觉睡觉也好一些了。继续次,继续补~