# 好物11道来 # snow pan Fry, boil, steam, all-round It heats up very quickly and it is very easy to clean. Fried things are not sticky to the pan. Wash them after frying, and they are as clean as ever. Tofu meatballs are as follows Minced pork ➕ Frozen tofu, knead it into pieces, add salt, sugar, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper powder, pepper water, chicken essence, and coriander to taste, and finally add an egg to it, stir well, and refrigerate for a day. Frozen tofu has holes, so the meatballs made in this way will have a fluffy feeling whether they are boiled or fried, and they are not woody at all. I also cooked fish balls, shrimp balls, and tofu meatballs together. No need to add any condiments. The soup is absolutely delicious.
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# 好物11道来 # 雪平锅 炸 煮 蒸 全能 受热非常快 清洗非常方便 炸东西不粘锅 炸完洗一下 干净如初 豆腐肉丸 做法如下 猪肉切碎 ➕ 冻豆腐 揉碎进去 加盐 糖 生抽 蚝油 香油 胡椒粉 花椒水 鸡精 香菜 调味, 最后加一个鸡蛋进去 搅拌上劲 冰箱冷藏一天即可。冻豆腐有孔 这样做出来的丸子 不管是煮 还是炸 会有蓬蓬感 完全不柴 还做了 鱼丸 虾丸 和豆腐肉丸一起煮 什么佐料都不用加 汤绝了 一口鲜