# 好物11道来 # This infinite repurchase many times Although the price 1.2 1.5 1.8 has been floating But still very good Best for Mapo Tofu The hardness is just right very slippery And the shelf life is quite long Mapo tofu must be served with rice Fried rice is the best Crush tofu and eat it with rice so delicious This tofu refrigerator is always stocked with 4-5 boxes
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# 好物11道来 # 这个无限回购很多次了 虽然价格1.2 1.5 1.8一直在浮动 不过还是很不错的 最适合做麻婆豆腐 软硬度刚刚好 又很滑口 而且保质期蛮长的 麻婆豆腐一定要配米饭哦 炒饭最好了 把豆腐碾碎 混着米饭一起吃 巨好吃的哟 这个豆腐冰箱常备4-5盒