# 好物11道来 # The raw materials of this soba noodles are simple, flour, buckwheat flour, salt, one package is divided into 8 portions, 1 portion is enough for one person Compared with ordinary dried noodles, the taste is thicker, thicker in fiber, very filling, and easier to cook. Eating buckwheat noodles often has the effect of lowering blood lipids and serum cholesterol, and also has an important preventive effect on high blood pressure and heart disease.
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# 好物11道来 # 这款荞麦面原料简单,面粉、荞麦面粉、盐,一包分成8份,1份够一人量 口感相对于普通挂面比较粗,粗纤维,很顶饱,比较容易煮 常吃荞麦面有降低血脂和血清胆固醇作用,对高血压和心脏病也有重要防治作用。