# 好物11道来 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # Great, highly recommended. It's really delicious, you must eat hot pot with bell rolls, your hot pot will definitely be delicious. Ringing bell rolls are the essence of hot pot, and it is definitely one of the essential hot pot ingredients without any refutation! ✨ ✨Ingredients✨ ✨ Non-GMO Soybean/Palm Oil/Water. It is mainly made of fried tofu skin. Bright yellow in color and delicious in flavor. ✨ ✨Product Selling Points✨ ✨ The bell rolls suck the juice, scald for three seconds, and serve. It's true that you can eat it in three seconds when the water is boiled, and the taste is very good. ✨ ✨Disadvantage~1✨ ✨ The price is a little expensive, $5.99, and there are 14 rolls in it. ✨ ✨Disadvantage~2✨ ✨ Fried food will be accompanied by small oil flowers when it is put into the pot, and the calorie intake is high. Put it in the pot and pick it up in three seconds. The crispy skin of the bell roll highlights the bean flavor, and the inner layer is tender and adds appetite. Note: When eating, it is more flavorful if it is supplemented with sweet sauce, scallion white crumbs or pepper and salt. The crispy bell rolls are thrown into the pot, and they are quickly picked up in 3 seconds. Don't hesitate, just 3 seconds. The bell roll that absorbs the soup will feel like the soup bursts in the mouth, but the skin still remains crispy, which is great.
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# 好物11道来 # # 摸着良心来种草啦 # 很赞,强推。真的很好吃,吃火锅一定要配响铃卷,你的火锅美味肯定加分。 响铃卷是火锅里的精华,不接受反驳,绝对是必不可少的火锅食材之一! ✨ ✨原料成分✨ ✨ 非转基因大豆 /棕榈油/水。 主要是选用豆腐皮油炸而成。色泽黄亮,鲜香味美。 ✨ ✨产品卖点✨ ✨ 响铃卷吸汁,滚烫三秒,即可食用。水开下锅,三秒钟可以吃是真的,口感非常不错。 ✨ ✨缺点~1✨ ✨ 价格小贵,$5.99,内有14个卷。 ✨ ✨缺点~2✨ ✨ 油炸物,入锅会伴有小油花,热量摄入高。 入锅,三秒夹起,响铃卷皮层松脆突出了豆香,里层鲜嫩增添了食欲。注:食用时再辅以甜酱、葱白屑或花椒盐,就更感风味。 脆脆的响铃卷扔进锅里,3秒迅速夹起,不要迟疑,就是3秒。 吸收了汤汁的响铃卷,吃下去会有汤汁在口中爆发的感觉,而表皮却又仍保持着酥脆,超棒。