# 好物11道来 # It's autumn, and it's time to eat hot pot. Eating a lot of hot pot is easy to get angry, come and try Taiwan | Bought on Yami's Taiwan|Shenghetang Burning Immortal Grass. Shenghetang Yellow Peach Roasted Immortal Grass 253g*7ml YAMI Yousheng Hetang burns fairy grass, eat a lot of hot pot without fear of acne~ I bought the candied yellow peach flavor. The small pieces are: delicious dried yellow peach, soft honey red bean, sweet honey, and silky practiced milk. The dried small yellow peach has a fruity aroma and is a real dried fruit that is sweet and delicious. Chewy~ With honey red beans, fresh and refreshing. Burning fairy grass Q elastic and tender taste, with practiced milk and honey, rich milk fragrance, a little sweet, smooth into the throat. Burning fairy grass has nutritional value, can clear heat and detoxify, prevent constipation, and even enhance the body's immunity, and has the effect of lowering blood lipids. The most important thing is to eat a lot of hot pot, which is easy to get angry. Come and try Taiwan | Shenghetang Burning Immortal Grass to clear heat and eliminate fire. Don't be afraid of getting angry when you eat hot pot, because there is Taiwan|Shenghetang burns fairy grass~
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# 好物11道来 # 入秋了,吃火锅的时候。吃多火锅容易上火,来试试台湾|生和堂烧仙草清热祛火。 在 亚 米 上买的 台湾|生和堂烧仙草。 生和堂 黄桃烧仙草 253g*7ml YAMI 亚米 有生和堂烧仙草,吃多多的火锅都不怕长痘啦~ 我买得是黄桃蜜饯味。 搭配小件的有:可口的黄桃干,软实的蜜红豆,甜甜的蜂蜜,丝滑的练奶。 小黄桃干的有着果香,是香甜可口的真实果干。有嚼劲~ 搭配蜜红豆,清新爽口。 烧仙草Q弹嫩滑的口感,配练奶和蜂蜜,浓郁奶香 ,丝丝甜蜜,顺滑入喉。 烧仙草有营养价值,可以清热解毒,预防便秘,甚至可以增强人体的免疫力,有降血脂的功效。 最主要吃多火锅容易上火,来试试台湾|生和堂烧仙草清热祛火。 吃火锅不用怕上火,因为有台湾|生和堂烧仙草~