# 好物11道来 # Hong Kong Lee Kum Kee Spare Ribs Sauce 397g. Another one that couldn't be tagged, probably sold out recently. I bought it and mixed it with other seasonings to marinate the rib and grill it, and I also used this to make some comprehensive sauces for other Chinese and Japanese dishes (such as meat crab pot and sauce pancakes). At my rate, this bottle lasts for 1 year, which is a good deal. But don't follow the instructions on the bottle and use it directly to marinate or stew meat, it will be very unpalatable. 【7】
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# 好物11道来 # 香港李锦记 排骨酱 397g。又是一个添加不上tag的,大概是最近卖光了吧。我是买回来和别的调料混合在一起腌肋排烤肋排吃的,还拿这个做过一些其他中日餐点的综合酱料(比如肉蟹煲和酱香饼)。以我的速度,这一瓶子能吃1年,很划算了。不过不要按照瓶子上的说明,直接拿来腌肉或者炖肉啥的,那么做挺难吃的。【7】