# 好物11道来 # Flavored Five Spice Powder Steamed Meat 90g. It's really convenient, whether it's beef or ribs, just stick it on both sides and put it into the steamer for 1 hour. The disadvantage of not having to pickle is that this powder is very salty in order to taste... Really salty. One bag corresponds to 400g of beef. I put 500g of beef, and it was still a little salty. The first meal is ok, and it's a little bit... edible, but salty after a day. I've never had steamed pork, but this one is so much better than the other crap recipes I've made before, it tastes completely different. I can't tell what the taste is, is it really the salt and pepper taste that is not spicy or oily in the south? It's not bad, and it's still delicious, but it's not very good for me and Dian Bin, so I won't repurchase it again. However, it is still recommended. After all, it is in the early stage of a knife, so it is good to buy it and try it. 【20】
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# 好物11道来 # 味加味 五香粉蒸肉料 90g。是真的方便,牛肉也好排骨也好,两面粘上了直接入蒸锅1h就行。都不用腌的坏处就是,这个粉末为了能入味...就很咸。真的挺咸的。一袋子对应400g牛肉,我放了500g,也还是有点咸。第一顿吃还可以,放一天再吃就有点...能吃,但是咸。 我没吃过粉蒸肉,不过这个比我之前按照别的垃圾方子做的好太多了,味道完全不同。说不出来是什么味,确实是南方那种不辣不油的椒盐味?不难吃,也还算好吃,不过不太对我和呆斌的口,不会回购了。然而还是推荐的,毕竟1刀出头,买回来试试挺好。【20】