# 好物11道来 #
Repurchased many times, experienced. Let me share with you, the hot yellow peach flavor Xiaobai in my eyes is soft in heart.
#breadcrust Except for the crust on the outer edge, it's a bit hard and I don't like it. The crust in the middle is the kind that tastes very soft, everything is perfect~
#Taste Lactobacillus is like the taste of first love, and the carambola-flavored filling is very full.
#Taste Sweet and sour, sweet but not greasy, every bite is full of fruity aroma, sweet and delicious, it is the favorite of children.
#package The main color of the outer packaging is bright yellow peach design, which is too eye-catching.
The bread is individually packaged, 4 pieces per pack.
Like a small pocket, soft and cute size. Clean and hygienic, easy to carry.
#additionalbenefitslowfat Another advantage of this bread is that it is low in fat, delicious and not greasy.
#Weakness1 The price is high, and it is packed in small sachets, with a small amount.
#Weakness2 The shelf life is only two months short, which is a flaw. But dairy products usually have a short shelf life.
Our stomachs can't wait, and when we're hungry, we want to eat yellow peach flavor Xiaobai's heart. # 我的囤货清单 # # 2022双节快乐 #
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# 好物11道来 #
#面包皮 除了外边缘的皮子,有点儿硬不喜欢。中间的面包皮是那种吃着很软的,一切完美~
#味道 乳酸菌像是初恋的味道,杨桃味馅特别足。
#口感 酸甜软绵、甜而不腻,每咬一口便果香四溢,香甜可口,是小朋友们的最爱。
#包装 外包装主色亮黄桃子设计,太扎眼球了。
#额外优点 低脂 这款面包还有一个优点就是它很低脂,好吃而且不会让人吃着感觉腻。
#弱点1 价格小高,而且是小小的小袋装,量少。
#弱点2 保质期短才两个月,这是硬伤。但奶制品通常保质期都短。
我们的胃等不及了,饿了就想吃黄桃味小白心里软。# 我的囤货清单 # # 2022双节快乐 #
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