# 好物11道来 #
🌟 🌟 The biggest advantage of using this diatom mud absorbent pad is that it will not breed any bacteria and smell, and it is also very safe to place at home.
🌟 🌟The diatom mud absorbent pad is designed with pure natural diatom mud material. It is a super absorbent pad.
But this material is a wood-like material, very hard. It's not the soft feeling I'd imagined on a midfoot.
There are many advantages, the most important thing is that the main function is not lost ~ non-slip.
The disadvantage of diatom mud is that it is easy to get dirty and difficult to clean.
After a month of use:
✨✨Because the cat absorbent pad has a soft color and is easy to get dirty. For cleaning, just wipe with a rag dipped in water for a while.
The overall feeling of use is very good. It is the diatom mud absorbent pad. It is not soft when you step on it. It is very special, and the appearance is dirty. Generally speaking, I am very satisfied.
The face value is bursting, and the cuteness is cute. Green environmental protection, strong water absorption, prevent falling.
The lovely Japanese AKI-Home Nidali diatom mud cat absorbent pad is worth having.
# 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 2022双节快乐 # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #

# 好物11道来 #
🌟 🌟用这种硅藻泥吸水垫最大的好处是,它不会滋生任何的细菌和味道,放置在家里也很安心。
🌟 🌟硅藻泥吸水垫是用纯天然的硅藻泥材质设计而成的,它是一种超强的吸水垫。
可爱的日本AKI-Home 尼达利 硅藻泥猫咪吸水垫,值得拥有。
# 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 我的囤货清单 # # 2022双节快乐 # # 为所爱 放肆嗨 #