# 好物11道来 # Hong Kong Lee Kum Kee Old Village Premium Oyster Sauce 510g. We only have 3 kinds of oyster sauce in our Asia Supermarket... I really get tired of buying it back and forth... To be fair, what is the vegetarian oyster sauce from Lee Kum Kee's house, the green panda 🐼 and the red panda 🐼 I can't figure out the difference. But Yami's is a little different from the ordinary one... Feeling that the taste of seafood is heavier? But it doesn't really make a big difference when cooking, it's still good.
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# 好物11道来 # 香港李锦记 旧庄特级蚝油 510g。我们这亚超就3种蚝油……我真的来来回回都买腻了……讲道理李锦记家的什么素蚝油,绿色熊猫🐼和红色熊猫🐼的我没用出来有啥区别。不过亚米这个是跟普通的有点不同...感觉吃着海鲜味更重?但是实际上做菜时用这并没有非常大的区别,还是很好的。