# 好物11道来 # Youle Island Chia Seed Jelly is a must for every discount, the entrance is smooth and bouncy, full of chia seeds, low-calorie, low-fat and low-sugar, rich plum flavor, and it tastes better when refrigerated. The only small disadvantage is There are only 6 small packets in a pack, which is basically eaten up in one go. Hopefully there will be big packs!
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# 好物11道来 # 有乐岛奇亚籽果冻,每次打折必入,入口滑滑弹弹的,满满的奇亚籽,低卡低脂低糖,梅子味浓郁,冰箱冷藏一下更好吃,唯一的小缺点是一包里只有6小包,基本一口气吃光了。希望会有大包装!