# 好物11道来 # It's not quite what I expected 🫣 Actually, it's similar to canned fish, there is not a whole fish, it's all dried fish, a little salty, a little spicy and a little sweet... I'm looking forward to the kind of crispy, dry, ok As a snack, the crispy small yellow croaker has a taste of yellow wine as soon as the box is opened. It is not suitable for me, but it may be more suitable for students in Jiangsu and Zhejiang!
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# 好物11道来 # 和我期待的不太一样🫣其实和鱼罐头差不多,没有一根完整的鱼,都是碎鱼干,有点咸,有点辣还有点甜…我期待的是那种脆脆的,干爽的,可以当零食吃的香酥小黄鱼,这盒一打开就有一股黄酒的味道,不太适合我,可能比较适合江浙一带的同学们吧!