# 好物11道来 # BIG GREEN Hometown Flavor Hometown Flavor Organic Beancurd 340g. is delicious! ! ! I think it's better than Wang Zhihe's, but it's a little less weird? But the difference won't be very big. This is the best fermented bean curd among the three brands I have eaten so far, thumbs up! It is very suitable to eat it directly with instant noodles and rice porridge. The fermented bean curd is used to marinate the meat to make small crispy meat, hot pot dipping sauce, sauce-flavored cake sauce, etc. I have never pulled my crotch. And the packaging on the outside also looks good~ It feels so expensive and worth it! (38)
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# 好物11道来 # BIG GREEN家乡味 家乡味 有机腐乳 340g。是好吃的!!!我感觉比王致和的要好吃,少了一股怪味?不过差别不会非常大。这是我目前吃的三个牌子里最好吃的腐乳了,点赞!直接吃配泡面和大米粥什么的很合适,腐乳汁拿来腌肉做小酥肉、火锅蘸酱、酱香饼酱汁什么的都没拉胯过。而且外面的包装也看着很好看~感觉贵那么一丢丢也很值得!(38)