# 好物11道来 # Japan Hokkaido Ishiya Seika Shiroi Koibito White Chocolate Cookies Pack of 12. The last time I ate it was 4-5 years ago. At that time, I didn’t eat much dessert in China. When I ate it, I felt that the black one was not as delicious as the white one, and the white one was delicious. It was the first time I repurchased the white model after I came to the United States. Now I eat it again and feel that although it is delicious, it is not so delicious. After all, I'm not a big fan of white chocolate... The cookies on the outside came out with a lot of butter and were very crispy. The whole thing is delicious, but it's still too sweet for me, the sweetness of American desserts. Won't be repurchasing anymore. (39)
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# 好物11道来 # 日本北海道 石屋制果 白色恋人 白巧克力饼干 12枚装。上次吃是4-5年前了,那个时候在国内不怎么吃甜品,吃的时候觉得黑色的不如白色的好吃,白色的好吃的惊为天人。来了美国后第一次回购白色款,现在再吃就感觉,哦虽然也好吃,但是也不是那么的好吃了。毕竟我本人不是白巧克力大fan…外面的饼干吃的出来放了好多黄油,很酥脆。整体是好吃的,只是对我来说依然是太甜了,美国甜品甜度的那种。不会在回购了。(39)