# 好物11道来 # It can be brewed directly with milk or boiled water, and it tastes like eating rice cereal! There are chia seed granules and red dates and wolfberry that feel very healthy! The main focus is 0 flavors, mouth colors, 0 preservatives, 0 sweeteners, and only rely on the natural flavor of the ingredients! A small cup! You can also use a straw directly! It's a good choice to stock up as a breakfast meal replacement 👍
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# 好物11道来 # 可直接用牛奶或开水冲泡,吃起来像在吃米糊! 有奇亚籽颗粒,还有红枣枸杞感觉挺健康的! 主打0香精、口色素、0防腐剂、0甜味剂,只依靠食材的天然风味! 小小一杯啊!也可以直接用吸管! 囤点货当早餐代餐很好的选择哦👍