# 好物11道来 # When you don’t want to eat, it’s best to eat white porridge with Fuling mustard in the fragrance list. Because at this time, nothing tastes in the mouth. Instead, I happened to eat the pickles from this list. Not long ago, I got the new crown I lasted three days with this white porridge and pickles Now it's full of blood But this pickle must always be prepared.
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# 好物11道来 # 生不想吃饭的时候 最适合就是 吃白粥 搭配 清香清单的涪陵榨菜了 因为这时候啥东西吃起来 嘴巴都没有味道 反而正好吃这种清单的咸菜 前一阵子不小中招得了新冠 就靠这个白粥咸菜撑了三天 现在已经满血复活了 不过这个咸菜可是一定要常备的哟