# 好物11道来 # Calbee's product must be the best. His family's three French fries brothers and Su Yiyao are my favorite products. When I saw this onion soup potato chips, I immediately started. How should I put it, I feel the same as the original taste that I usually eat. No strong onion flavor. But the potato chips are really crispy and taste good.
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# 好物11道来 # 卡乐比出品必属佳品。他家的薯条三兄弟,粟一烧都是我超级喜欢的产品。看到这款洋葱浓汤薯片,就立刻下手了。怎么说呢,我感觉和平时吃的原味差不多。没有很浓的洋葱味。但是薯片真的非常的薄脆,口感不错。