# 好物11道来 # My favorite is hawthorn! There are a lot of hawthorn snacks on Yami. Last time I bought a hawthorn burger from the commune alliance, it was beaten with fresh fruit, several layers. Sandwich, sweet and sour, delicious, really great appetizing snacks, nothing to have a piece, not only a snack, but also a spleen and digestion, how wonderful!
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# 好物11道来 # 最喜欢吃山楂了!亚米上有很多山楂产品的小零食,上次买了公社联盟的山楂汉堡,是用鲜果打浆的,好几层 夹心,酸酸甜甜,好吃极了,真的是棒呆了的开胃零食,没事来一块,不仅是零食,还能健脾消食,多好!