# 好物11道来 # 7⃣️ I love all kinds of sugar-free teas from this brand so much It's just what simple tea should look like It has a good taste, but it is not overpowering Chill it, it tastes better, delicious and convenient Especially when eating hot pot Spicy and hot, numb and crispy tongue 👅 Have a sip of ice-cold oolong tea It can also be accompanied by the effect of gastrointestinal scraping oil while cooling and relieving spicy food. Comfort yourself, no matter how much hot pot you eat, you won't grow meat😄😄😄
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# 好物11道来 # 7⃣️ 我可太爱这个牌子的各类无糖茶饮了 就是简简单单茶水本该有的样子 滋味挺足的 但又不会浓过了头 冰镇一下 口味更佳 好喝又方便 尤其是吃火锅的时候 又辣又烫 麻酥酥的舌头👅 来上一口冰冰爽爽的冰镇乌龙茶 冰爽解辣的同时 还可以附带肠胃刮油的效果 安慰自己 火锅吃再多 也不会长肉😄😄😄