# 好物11道来 # 🔟 The big yami makes it easy for me to conquer an American stomach My husband's friends can come to my house to eat hot pot and be happy for a long time😂 This bell roll is an existence that makes them feel extraordinarily magical I personally love all kinds of soy products This bell roll is cooked quickly, the key is that it tastes good! Both the bean flavor and taste of soy products Quickly fill up the soup It feels like the bell roll itself is only part of it Also had a delicious soup Whether you're dipping it in the sauce or just scooping it out of the hot pot soup It's all delicious
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# 好物11道来 # 🔟 大亚米让我轻轻松松收服一种美国胃 老公的朋友们 能来我家吃上口火锅能幸福好久😂 这个响铃卷是让他们觉得格外神奇的存在 我个人本身就爱各类的豆制品 这个响铃卷 熟的快不说 关键是味道好! 既有豆制品的豆香味和口感 又能快速吸满汤汁 感觉一口下去 响铃卷本身只占一部分 还顺带喝了一口美味的汤 无论你是蘸着酱料 还是单纯刚从火锅汤料里捞出来 都是满口的美味