# 好物11道来 # 1⃣️5⃣️ The pit into which the base of Liupo hot pot is Later, I bought the chili noodles from Liupo Xiaobao I thought it was not enough, so I bought a big bag of Liupo Chili Noodles Crispy bone and pure meat part of the previously bought ribs Suddenly I remembered the big string of pork ribs at the school gate back in college. I was greedy, so I started to fiddle with it The effect was unexpectedly amazing! ! ! Don't be too satisfied with two garlic and carbonated drinks Material: Crispy bone or pork ribs, Liupo chili noodles, onion practice: 1. Collect crispy bones or buy pork ribs directly (because fat and thin, with crispy bones, eat more vigorously) 2. Slice the onion, add it to the pork ribs, add Liupo chili noodles and mix well 3. Preheat the air fryer at 380 degrees and bake for 15 minutes 4. Flip the ribs and bake at 350 degrees for 5-8 minutes. Simple and fast Super suitable for appetizers or a simple barbecue
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# 好物11道来 # 1⃣️5⃣️ 六婆火锅底料入的坑 后来入手了六婆小包的辣椒面 觉得不过瘾 又入手了大包的六婆辣椒面 之前买的排骨剔下的脆骨和纯肉的部分 突然想起大学那会儿学校门口的排骨大串 嘴馋的我于是开始自己捣鼓 没想到效果十分的惊艳!!! 配上两颗蒜 和碳酸小饮料 吃的不要太满足 材料: 脆骨or排骨尖、六婆辣椒面、洋葱 做法: 1. 收集脆骨或者直接买排骨尖(因为肥瘦相间,还带脆骨,吃着更带劲) 2. 洋葱切丝,加入排骨肉中,加入六婆辣椒面拌匀 3. 空气炸锅380度预热,烤制15min 4. 排骨翻面,350度再烤5-8min即可 简单快手 超级适合做下酒菜 或是单纯解馋的小烧烤