# 好物11道来 #甚维green tea fresh oil control oil-absorbing paper This is really the smell from the packaging to the inside, it is too small and fresh. The green minimalist packaging looks clean. The oil-absorbing paper inside is also a small piece, very thin and clear, but the oil-absorbing effect is amazing. You can inhale it with just one touch, and the taste is the fresh scent of green tea, which is refreshing and pleasant
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# 好物11道来 #简柔绿茶清新控油吸油纸 这个真的是从包装到里面的味道,太小清新了。绿色简约包装,看起来很干净。里面的吸油纸也是小小一张,很薄清透,但吸油效果,简直惊艳。轻轻一按就吸了,而且味道就是绿茶的清香味,提神又好闻