#亚米爆笑晒单# Why are these melon seeds produced in Thailand? Isn't this the Mao Nier that our Northeast Silver eats! Note ⚠️It is Mao Keer not Mao Keng.. The pronunciation of the word is very important‼ ️ It is too difficult to teach Wai Guoren to learn Northeast dialect🥺
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# 亚米爆笑晒单 # 这瓜子咋是泰国生产的呢?这不是俺们东北银吃的毛嗑儿嘛!注意⚠️是毛嗑儿不是毛坑..儿字音很重要‼️ 教歪果仁学东北话太难了🥺