# 好物11道来 # I can't find the tag, let's put a tag for my own beef noodles. Cannibal Spicy Fried Belly Noodles 150g in barrel. It’s not that I can’t recommend it, but after thinking about it, I still give it an average, because I have eaten their homemade beef noodles. The taste of this fried belly powder is the homemade beef noodles + sesame sauce with a little more sesame oil and monosodium glutamate. I still add the sesame sauce bag by myself (that is, put my material bag after 5 minutes). In fact, if I put 1/3 of it, it will blend well with the overall seasoning. If I put 1/2 of it, it won't go well. If someone is used to putting all the seasoning packets, this bowl of noodles is basically ruined. I read that some people commented that they really have stomachs, but I didn’t have any stomachs, whether it’s vegetarian or pork belly. There is no water level line, if you put the normal amount (that is, 3cm lower than the highest point), the fans will suck up all the water, and there will be no soup. So you have to add some extra water when eating, but the taste will not be affected. After all, the water in the sauce pack has been absorbed by the vermicelli, and the overall taste is delicious. Just no desire to repurchase. (61)
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# 好物11道来 # 找不到tag,挂个私房牛肉面的tag吧。食族人 麻辣爆肚粉 桶装 150g。倒也不是不能给推荐,但是我想了想还是给的一般,因为我吃过他们家私房牛肉面了,这个爆肚粉味道就是多放了一点麻椒油和味精的私房牛肉面+麻酱。 那个麻酱包还是自己往里加(就是那个5分钟后再放我的料包)其实放1/3的话,还跟整体的调味融合的很好,要是放1/2就不怎么搭了。如果有人习惯把调料包全放的话,这碗粉基本上就是毁了。 我看有人评价说是真的有肚的,我这份没有吃到肚,无论是素毛肚还是肉肚。没有水位线,放正常的量(就是比最高处低3cm)的话,粉丝会把水都吸干净,就没啥汤汁了。 所以吃时还要额外再加点水,但是味道不会有影响就是了。毕竟酱料包的水都被粉丝吸收了,整体的味道是好吃的。只是没有什么想要回购的欲望。(61)