# 好物11道来 # JAYONE Korean super sweet potato vermicelli 680g. The quality is quite good. I think sweet potato vermicelli is more convenient in Korea. Chinese ones have to be cooked for a long time... Koreans probably because of the high frequency of eating? Most of them can be eaten within a few minutes of cooking. I made it after soaking for 2 hours. I used it to make a stir-fried vegetable (the one with vermicelli and red, yellow, radish and pepper), and it was cooked after 2 minutes of stuffing. (64)
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# 好物11道来 # JAYONE 韩式特级红薯粉丝 680g。质量挺好的。我感觉红薯粉丝这个东西吧,还是韩国的比较方便。中国的都得煮很久...韩国大概因为吃的频率高?大多是煮个没几分钟就能吃了。我是泡了2h再做的我拿来做了一个炒杂蔬(有粉丝和红黄萝卜彩椒的那个),闷2分钟就熟了。(64)