# 好物11道来 # It is said that the two life and death can not carry the product tag... It is really difficult to use this tag adding system. 1⃣️Fuying Northeast sauerkraut 907g. Although there is only a little difference, I feel that this sauerkraut is a little more umami than the Dongzhiwei and Manor sauerkraut I bought before. The stewed pork is more delicious? The spicy cabbage of this brand is also quite delicious (it is a bit sweet). I am very satisfied with this brand and hope that Yami will replenish it. 2⃣️Japanese SHIRAKIKU Sanuki House Brown Rice 5lb. Pretty solid brown rice. I bought an American-made brown rice from sam before, and it was cooked in 20 minutes. The taste is like brown rice, but it always feels a little strange and not particularly delicious. The 20 minutes in Japan is not familiar at all...at least 30 minutes. The finished product is also more chewy. It seems that the quality is better? And it's not expensive, which is pretty good. (67)
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# 好物11道来 # 说两个死活都带不上商品tag的东西...真的是难用的要命这个tag添加系统。1⃣️阜盈东北酸菜 907g。虽然只有一点点的区别,但是我感觉这个酸菜做的要比以前买过的东之味和莊园的酸菜要多一点点鲜味,做出来的炖猪肉更好吃了?这个牌子的辣白菜也挺好吃的(就是甜了些)我对这个牌子很满意了,希望亚米补货。 2⃣️日本SHIRAKIKU赞岐屋 糙米 5lb。挺实在的糙米。我之前在sam买过一个美产的糙米,煮20分钟就熟了。味道是糙米的味儿,但是总感觉有点怪,不是特别好吃。日本这款20分钟根本不熟...至少得30分钟。成品的嚼劲也更强。感觉似乎是质量更好些?而且也不贵,挺好的。(67)