#好物11道来# For Double Eleven, you must stock up a lot of instant noodles. The first choice must be my favorite Master Kong. Master Kong’s classic braised beef noodles are absolutely indispensable. What you stock up is five packs of family packs, which office workers don’t have. When you have time or are too lazy to cook, just pack a pack, add some vegetables, some meat, and an egg, and you will have a delicious dinner!
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# 好物11道来 # 双十一囤货肯定是要囤很多方便面的,那首选肯定是我最爱的康师傅呀,康师傅经典的红烧牛肉面,那是绝对不能少的,囤的是五包的家庭装,上班族没有时间或懒得做饭的时候就来一包,加点蔬菜加点肉,加个鸡蛋,美美的一顿晚餐就解决了!