#好物11道来# The top note of Liushen toilet water is a very strong floral fragrance with a hint of alcohol, and it also contains essence. Personally, I feel a little rush and pungent. After it slowly dissipates, the bottom note leaves a light floral fragrance, which lasts for a long time The toilet water sprayed by the spray is very delicate and even. 🉑Spray it in advance and go out to prevent mosquito bites. 🉑Spray it on the affected area after the bite. Although it will not relieve the itching immediately, it will not itch after a while. Spray it on your hands and ice It is cool and comfortable, because it contains mint ingredients, it is cool and refreshing, and if you scratch it, you will feel a little tingling
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# 好物11道来 # 六神花露水前调是非常浓郁的花香中带有一丝丝的酒精味,还含有香精味,个人感觉有点冲、刺鼻,慢慢散去后,后调留下淡淡的花香,留香持久 喷雾喷出的花露水非常细腻且均匀,🉑提前喷好后出门,预防蚊虫叮咬,🉑在叮咬后喷于患处,虽然不会马上止痒,但是过一会儿后就不痒了,喷在手上冰冰凉凉的很舒服,因为含有薄荷成分,凉飕飕滴,超级清爽,如果抓破了,会感觉有点刺痛