# 好物11道来 #It’s okay to never eat Haidilao, I bought Haidilao soup base in Yami! And it’s my favorite tomato flavor~ I used to buy Little Sheep, but since I discovered Haidilao, I’ve bought both. We eat it almost all year round, and we have soup bases with different flavors to meet family members with different needs. In this way, there is no need to prepare extra ingredients to cook the soup base, which is very convenient!
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# 好物11道来 #从没吃过海底捞没关系,我在亚米买到海底捞汤底料了!而且还是我最爱的蕃茄味哦~以前都是买小肥羊,自从发现有海底捞之后就两样都买了。我们几乎一年四季都会唰🍲,具备不同口味的汤底料满足不同需求的家人们。这样就不用额外备料食材熬汤底了,很方便哟!