#好物11道来# Last time I bought a large pack of Baijia Akuan Lane Lanzhou Beef Noodles of Lanzhou Beef Noodles, which I said I would regret if I didn’t eat them. What I like is that the instructions say that they can be brewed in boiling water and eaten immediately. You can eat beef noodles without cooking. It’s very good and can be solved. Office worker lunch questions! I bought it and tried it and found that it is really delicious. Just soak in boiling water for a few minutes and you can smell the unique aroma of the ultra-authentic Lanzhou Beef Noodles. There's only one pack left, hurry up and restock!
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# 好物11道来 # 上次买了一大包据说不吃后悔系列的白家阿宽巷子面兰州牛肉面方便面,看中的是说明上的开水冲泡即食,不需要煮就能吃到牛肉面很不错,可以解决上班族午餐的问题!买回来试了试发现确实挺好吃的,只要开水泡个几分钟就可以闻到超正宗的兰州牛肉面特有的香气,汤底很鲜美,面条很有韧劲,一不小心五包吃得只剩下一包了,赶紧补货!