#好物11道来# Recently, I stocked up on Liziqi Guizhou bad chili sauce chili sauce, because this kind of chili sauce is a must-have condiment in the kitchen. A lot! Liziqi Guizhou Hot Sauce Chili Sauce is made with Maotai Town’s white wine, Zunyi Chaotian pepper and local chili peppers. The ingredients include dried tofu, bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, black fungus and king oyster mushrooms. It’s delicious and spicy!
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# 好物11道来 # 最近囤了了李子柒贵州糟辣酱辣椒酱,因为这类辣椒酱是厨房里必备的调料,算是万能百搭,可以拌饭,可以下面,可以炖豆腐,可以蒸鱼,可以爆炒,用处多多!李子柒贵州糟辣酱辣椒酱还是用茅台镇的白酒调的,使用了遵义的朝天椒和当地的辣椒,配料包括豆干,竹笋,香菇,黑木耳和杏鲍菇那叫一个鲜美爽辣!