#好物11道来# 2⃣️9⃣️ Super convenient cloud bamboo shoots in clear water It is also a regular item at home, and I will stock up a few packs every time It is easy to store at room temperature, which is super friendly It is very convenient to use and is super suitable for situations where there is no time to prepare dishes When in use, it only needs to be cleaned briefly Evenly shredded bamboo shoots are especially suitable for stir-frying Especially fish-flavored shredded pork Saves time and effort and tastes good
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# 好物11道来 # 2⃣️9⃣️ 超方便的云笋清水笋丝 也是家中常备款 每次都会囤上几包 常温易保存这点超级友好 使用特别方便更是超级适合没时间备菜的情况 使用时 只需要简单清洗一下就好 切成均匀细丝的笋丝 特别适合用来炒菜 尤其是鱼香肉丝 省时省力 口感也不错